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New Practice Premises!

Equitait Veterinary Practice are very happy to announce that our new practice premises at Duns are now fully operational.  The completion of the project was significantly delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but we are finally fully open for business!

Our new premises contain two treatment areas (including stocks) where radiographs, scans and minor surgery can take place, as well as stabling to allow horses to stay whilst undergoing treatment, or during recovery. There is a new purpose built office building with telemedicine and meeting facilities and a rest room where clients can wait whilst their horses are here. Please have a look at our Gallery to see some photos.

When booking routine appointments, you might like to consider bringing your horse to the practice rather than have a vet come to your yard. This would save you a visit fee and you would get to have a tour round our new facilities.

This project was part-funded by The Scottish Government and The European Community Scottish Borders LAG LEADER 2014-2020 programme.

We would like to thank everyone involved for their support and assistance in the building process and hope our new facilities will enable us to successfully treat many more patients.




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