Retirement Livery


We a have a limited number of spaces for our retirement livery offering. This is now based over two sites near Lauder and Duns, allowing us to maximise the available grass and shelter at different times of year, whilst also ensuring your horse is in an appropriate herd.

There is an Equine vet practice base on both sites, with vets a part of the team performing regular checks, as well as dealing with any emergencies.

Where possible, horses will be turned out 24/7, even during the winter months. Our fields have a combination of natural and man-made shelters.

We are currently expanding our track system, to be used in combination with our paddocks, for horses that will benefit from this.

Standard package cost £190/month


  • Daily checks
  • 3 worm egg counts a year and where applicable wormers plus an annual Pramox in November
  • Additional forage will be provided if necessary
  • Quarterly weight check, body condition score and photos recorded and sent to owner
  • Annual tooth rasp, and biannual tetanus only vaccination
  • Hoof trimming

Not included:

  • Hard feed
  • Daily in feed supplements and medication
  • Advanced veterinary care and treatment
  • More advance dental techniques
  • Purchase of rugs
  • Influenza and Strangles vaccination

More info:

  • Owners are encouraged to use one of our regular farriers to trim horse’s feet, which is included in the monthly fee. Depending upon growth, it’s anticipated that most retired liveries will need to be trimmed approximately every 8 – 16 weeks
  • Horses will have hind shoes removed (on arrival) if not already off
  • No pre-movement strangles test is required for low risk “known” horses. Other horses will be subject to a guttural pouch lavage upon arrival (at the current practice rate) and only admitted to the herd following a negative result. Strangles vaccinations are not included in the price, but are recommended if owners wish for their horses to be protected. This can arranged with us, at a subsidised rate
  • We try and leave as many of our retirement liveries un-rugged all year round, although we appreciate that some will not tolerate this and will require some rugging. We will occasionally apply rugs where there are prolonged extreme weather events
  • Owners are welcome to visit their horse by prior arrangement
  • Insurance – We ask that horses with a value of over £1000 are insured for loss of animal and that owners have suitable public liability insurance
  • We usually suggest a trial month, with the first months fees paid up front. Thereafter, fees are paid by monthly standing order in advance

Premium service (includes the standard package with the addition of the below) cost is £450/month

  • AM/PM feeding (with owner bought feed)
  • Administration of veterinary prescribed medication / supplements (not including cost of medication and supplements)
  • Daily grooming, feet picked out
  • Horse can be rugged all year round
  • Trailer storage


To express an interest, or be added to our waiting list, please contact the practice and we will get in touch.


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